some of the questions from the previous post..
let us ask some questions..
1. why is that there is no solid proof for the existence of aliens?
2. why is there no clear photo of aliens?
3. why all the aliens look like the same ugly green people shown in some movies?
4. if they all belong to the same planet, then they should have similar saucers, but we have different types of saucers visiting our planet
5. there is no proof of existence of intelligent beings on any of the planet of our solar system, then where they come from?
6. if they can bend time and space, then why they come to our planet?
7. how do you think, we can communicate?
8. why should they communicate to us?
9. effect of gravity on these ETs?
10.Solar rays and its effects.?
11.effect of atmosphere?
Here are some of the most probable answer, we can get for these questions…
1. the government is classifying the data…
May be the U.S is trying to hide it from the people, but what about france, brazil, and other countries like India which had so called visitations in the last few years
2. I don’t think there could be any explanation for this…
3. Because, it is always the same alien, visiting us…
So if it is the same species of alien visiting us… then why they come in different types of space ships…
4. again, I don’t find any good explanation for this..
5. they come from distant stars…
well it takes almost 4.4 years for the light to travel from the nearest star to our planet. So there may be aliens in some planet some billions of light years from here, so if they travel with the maximum speed, it would take almost a billion year to reach here…
the other possibility is space time warp, it can be proved scientifically that space time warps do exist, but to create them?? I have no idea…
if at all they are so advanced to create space warps, then why should they want to communicate with us??
6. to share the knowledge they have…
let us consider an analogy..
if you are building a high way, will u care about discussing about the high way to the colony of ants living by the side…
will you try to explain a chimp, what is nuclear fusion and how it can benefit the animal kingdom….
7. they will communicate in the universal language…
well is there any universal language??
Is zeros and ones comprise the universal language…
Who said that this is the universal language..
Let us try to communicate with the animals of our planet with this universal language..
Actually elephants, dolphins, whales have highly evolved communication system.
There is this humpback whales, whose communication is far superior than humans, in a way that they can create many variety of sound.
If humans were to be given scores for the complexity we will have a complexity of 7, and these humpback whales have a complexity of 9.
8. because, we are the species which can be easily communicated…
are we really the easily communicable species??
What if the sound created by these aliens are ultrasonic.. will it not attract other animals like owl and bats than us?
What if they communicated by changing the IR temperature of their body??
9. they will not have any effect..
they will not have any effect of gravity only if they are from planet with similar gravitational field as that of ours. Whose chances are really low..
10. the sun’s rays can be highly dangerous to the aliens…
if they are not prone to UV rays and IR rays, they could be harmful.
11. the atmospheric content of nitrogen and oxygen or carbon dioxide or anything in our atmosphere could be poisonous to this species. There has never been a sighting of aliens with suits to protect them from the sun’s rays and atmosphere…
and some other reasons
as Harish said
There are two curious things about these ETs and UFOs. Firstly, most of them have been observed in the West and there are hardly any reports in the developing world. Secondly, most reports are post-Star Wars. This has led some people to conclude that perhaps the whole thing is about fertile imaginations indulging in too much sci-fi and getting these grandiose illusions.
think well before getting into any conclusion...
if you think that there are also other reasons why intelligent ET's have never visited our planet, please do leave them in the comment or mail me at
or if you have any other explanations for the questions please do let me know...
blessed be...
Thursday, September 6, 2007
some probable answers and why they are not the answers
Posted by
Pankaj kumar yadav
11:31 AM
ETs and why they are not what u think they are
Hello people,
Im back after a long time..
Today I felt, I should discuss about UFO’S, however, if you have read my previous blog on Extremophiles and ET, the you would know that I believe in that if at all there are ETs Then they could only be something like these extremophiles. If you haven’t read it read it here…
let us ask some questions..
1. why is that there is no solid proof for the existence of aliens?
2. why is there no clear photo of aliens?
3. why all the aliens look like the same ugly green people shown in some movies?
4. if they all belong to the same planet, then they should have similar saucers, but we have different types of saucers visiting our planet
5. there is no proof of existence of intelligent beings on any of the planet of our solar system, then where they come from?
6. if they can bend time and space, then why they come to our planet?
7. how do you think, we can communicate?
8. why should they communicate to us?
9. effect of gravity on these ETs?
10.Solar rays and its effects.?
11.effect of atmosphere?
Will come up soon with some probable answer and explaining why they cannot be the answer…
Blessed be…
Please do leave your comments….